Our Mission
Our mission is to empower the Athens community with meaningful data that will lead to more informed decision-making, improvements in service delivery, and greater quality of life for our citizens.
AWP is accomplishing this mission through the collection and analysis of longitudinal data, including:
1) Representative sample data of Athens-Clarke County households; and
2) Secondary data collected and analyzed at varying levels of geographic specification, (e.g. U.S. Census American Community Survey, Georgia Department of Public Health Data, and Clarke County School District Data).
The purpose of the Athens Wellbeing Project (AWP) is to assist our community leaders and institutions by providing a comprehensive snapshot of our community’s unique needs and assets in Athens-Clarke County.
Our survey data close the gap in existing secondary data sets, providing our community with more robust information that can be used to inform policy and practice in a variety of settings.
The AWP is pioneering an unprecedented collaboration of community leaders, using a data collection approach that is unique and comprehensive. Our assessment provides information in five domain areas: civic vitality, community safety, health, housing, and lifelong learning.
Athens Wellbeing Project data allows community stakeholders and institutional partners to…
“… be able respond more efficiently to the needs of our students and families. By combining and leveraging our existing academic data with the data from AWP, we can get a more holistic narrative of what is happening in our community…”
- Lawrence Harris (CCSD - Chief of Community Engagement and Strategic Partnerships)
“… shape strategic responses in philanthropy.”
- Sarah McKinney (Athens Area Community Foundation - President and CEO)
“…evaluate current programs and services and develop additional resources to better meet the needs of public housing families.”
- Dr. Geraldine Clarke (Athens Housing Authority - Resident Support Director)
“… learn about the needs, existing resources, opportunities and successes of our community.”
- Dr. Tamara Bourda (St. Mary’s Hospital - VP of Community Health and Wellbeing)
“… improve outcomes for children, youth, and families in health, education, safety, economic well-being, and community engagement.”
- Tim Johnson (Family Connection - Communities in Schools - Executive Director)
“… track improvements in health disparities, maintain focus on different at-risk groups, and develop appropriate programs for prevention and wellness.”
- Elaine Cook (Piedmont Athens Regional - Vice President, Public and Government Affairs)
“…use relevant, detailed, and reliable data to inform our decisions about pressing needs and support those applying for grants from us and other impact-focused funders in our community.””
- Kay Keller (United Way of Northeast Georgia - President and CEO)